Turf Solutions
RightLine Loyalty 10XT
RightLine Loyalty 10XT
RightLine Loyalty 10XT - 60 oz.
RightLine LOYALTY™ 10XT is a selective herbicide that provides postemergent contact and soil residual weed control. RightLine LOYALTY™ 10XT is a premium yellow nutsedge and green kyllinga control product. This formulation works by contact and residual activity and is absorbed by the shoots, roots, and foliage. RightLine LOYALTY 10XT can be used in established turf areas including, but not limited to, residential, commercial and institutional lawns, athletic fields, commercial sod farms, golf course fairways and golf course roughs and other non-crop sites such as railroad rights-ofway,highway, roadside, pipeline and utility rights-of-way, industrial areas, and fence rows.
Always read and follow label directions. This information is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the user and/or buyer to verify the product is registered and appropriate for use in a given state and/or local area. Reference manufacturer’s website, if applicable, to verify product registration.